Fool For You Read online

Page 9

  Corey left the room and I stared after him. “Breakfast?”

  That was intriguing enough to get me to hurry along the getting ready process. I yanked on my beige top and black ¾ length suit jacket and ran out to the kitchen. The breakfast bar displayed a ton of delicious looking food; a stack of fluffy pancakes, a plate of bacon and a bowl of fresh cut strawberries.

  My jaw dropped to the floor as I watched him take a seat, tapping the back of the one next to him for me.

  “You did all this?”

  Corey shrugged with a smile, biting down onto a slice of the most appetizing looking bacon ever. “This smells amazing!” My legs guided me over to the bar stool, as he placed a cup of coffee in front of me.

  “Tastes pretty damn good too,” he said, scooping a section of a pancake into his mouth. Before I could even dive into the most tempting meal I’ve ever seen, I placed a kiss to his cheek. His blue eyes cut to mine, a coy smile on his lips.

  “Thank you, Corey, this is incredible.”

  “It’s just breakfast, Sweets.” My head shook from side to side, as a lump rose up in my throat.

  “It’s been a long time since someone has done something so nice for me.” A saddened look crossed his face, as he turned his body more towards mine.

  “No one back home made you breakfast—just because?” My eyes cast a glance downwards; the sight of our legs pressed together lightened my heart in a bizarre way. Why was it suddenly comforting to see us so close together?

  “Now and then my best friend Gabriella did.” The thought of Gabby brought a smile to my face—I missed her . Corey’s fingers took hold of my chin and tilted my face up to meet his captivating expression. There were no words exchanged, but honestly, the way he looked at me did more for me than any words could have. It was as if those piercing blue eyes looked straight into my soul; seeing the struggles of my past, the hardships of my future and most importantly—they saw me.

  Corey didn’t say a word as he reached down to cut a piece of the pancake on my plate. His eyes lifted to mine as he raised the fork to my lips. Without hesitation I opened my mouth, as soon as the fluffy pancake touched my tongue it tasted like Heaven. A moan of pure bliss came from me as it melted in my mouth.

  Corey was smiling at me when I finished chewing.

  “How in the hell did you learn to cook like this?” I asked in wonder.

  “My mom.” Warmth spread through my heart, as I pictured this tattooed man hanging out in the kitchen with his mother.

  “She taught you well. The other night you said something about having sisters too; do they know how to cook like this?” Corey threw his head back and laughed.

  “Not at all. Abby is the next best but she spends most of her time eating out. Lainey would burn boiling water and Karly has just always used the fact that she is the baby of the family to her advantage, to get others to cook for her.” The brightening in his eyes and growing smile was enough to tell me how much his family meant to him. Those girls were no doubt very special to him and from everything I knew thus far—I was sure they loved him just as much.

  The turning wheels in my head clicked at a new little discovery. “Wait a second, A.L.K., the initials in your tattoo— that’s after your sisters, isn’t it?”

  Corey shot me a wink with a smile. Not only was this sexy man a great cook, fun to be around and easy on the eyes but now I could add ‘a heart of gold’ to his list of attributes. I reached out and placed another kiss to his cheek. He smiled and returned one to mine before we both dove into the delicious meal in front of us.

  We ate in silence devouring everything in sight. There wasn’t enough praise I could give Corey for the amazing breakfast, but I was sure by the appreciative little sounds escaping me—he could tell I approved. When we finished, I stood up to start clearing the plates, but he made me sit back down as he brought them to the sink. The sink filled with warm soapy water and Corey began washing them without hesitation.

  “You cooked breakfast, you do not have to do my dishes too.” Corey shrugged, submerging his hands in the water with a sponge.

  “I don’t mind, it’s nice to have breakfast with someone.” Those very sweet comments really needed to stop—my foolish heart had already suffered more than any single heart should. The last thing I needed was to find myself hooked on another man and risk heartbreak…again. Especially since this little arrangement was only temporary before I returned home. However, little-by-little every time I saw him, he was becoming something more in my eyes. At the same time, maybe it wasn’t a bad thing to just have someone that I could be close to as a friendly companion. As long as that was all I allowed it to be.

  “You know you never answered my question.” Corey’s eyes darted over to mine, as he continued washing the dishes.

  “What question would that be?”

  My chest tightened and my heart was beating rapidly as I asked, “Am I one of the woman in your life?” He nodded, remembering the conversation we had earlier.

  “I’ll say this much—I can’t recall the last time I made breakfast at another woman’s house.”

  “But this—whatever this is—it’s nothing serious, right?” A lump in my throat was gulped down as I awaited his response. Even though I wanted to make it clear to him, I needed to remind myself that diving into a relationship with him had heartbreak written all over it. No matter how much fun we were having, I wasn’t going to let either of us be led on—I just couldn’t. I received a sideways, cautious glance before he dried off his hands and moved to the counter opposite me.

  “Is that what you want?”

  That was something I wanted to be absolutely clear about. I looked him square in the eye to give him my answer.

  “Yes, I don’t want anything serious.” After taking another minute to examine my expression and assure himself I was telling the truth, he shrugged in a nonchalant manner.

  “Then we’re nothing serious.” A twinge of despair broke through my chest. The reason for the emotion was lost on me but I assured myself it was better to ignore it.

  “Okay?” I verified. There wasn’t anything about Corey I personally didn’t enjoy, but I was far too screwed up emotionally to allow myself to want more.

  “Okay.” He responded with sureness. I smiled, feeling slightly more confident about our friendship as Corey returned to the dishes. As I hopped off the stool I circled the room over to where Corey stood. My hands pressed against his shoulder blades while I placed a kiss to the middle of his back.

  “Thank you again for breakfast, Corey, it was fantastic.”

  Without turning around, he replied, “Anytime, Dani.”

  We talked a little more about nothing special as he finished the last of the dishes, while I dried and put them away. Then he waited for me while I made sure everything was shut off before leaving for the day. Corey stood with me on the top step as I locked up. We turned to face each other and kissed, as if we had lived this routine hundreds of times before. We stepped apart and couldn’t help but laugh at our instincts. Before I walked towards my car, he grabbed hold of my wrist to keep me with him.

  “Thank you for a very domesticated morning, Danielle.” His dimple was revealed in his cheek.

  “It was my pleasure…literally.” I was beginning to recognize how much it was as Corey’s naughty smile—the same one that sent a wave of heat through my body—touched his lips before releasing my arm.

  “I’ll see you soon.” “Friday!” I called over my shoulder before getting into my car.

  The Test

  “Someone’s in a good mood today.” Bailey commented; referring to the grin plastered on my face since my incredible shower that morning.

  “Yeah, I exercised a little before work this morning. It really seemed to brighten my mood.” Bailey’s eyes searched me; not taking anything I said at face value. She sat across from me in my office filling out paperwork as I organized cabinets. My eyes flickered up when I noticed she was no longer busy scribbling away.
br />   “With Corey?” She asked when our eyes met.

  “Maybe.” My plan to feign innocence failed, when my smile spread wider across my face. “Why?”

  Bailey didn’t say anything for a few beats; then looked at me from under her scrunched up brows. “Just be careful.”

  “What makes you say that?” She shrugged her shoulders and continued working.

  “I just know how he is—that’s all.”

  “Have the two of you….” The smile instantly dropped from my face. It wasn’t as if I expected Corey to never have been with another woman. I supposed I just hadn’t imagined I would walk out of a room where I just had sex with him; to encounter a woman who had been in that same position before.

  “No, no, nothing like that.” My overwhelmed sigh of relief went unnoticed by Bailey.

  “Well, you have me intrigued.” At first I thought to act distracted and uninterested in order not appear emotionally involved. But I couldn’t hide it. The organizing couldn’t hold my attention for a minute longer.

  “We used to go to school together.”

  “Were the two of you friends?”

  “Not really, he was definitely in a different clique than I was. Corey—to put it lightly—was something of a playboy, but he was a great guy. One year we were in the same science class, and just about everyone in that class was either his friend, or someone that wanted to sleep with him. Well anyways, eventually in class you are forced to partner up with people—which has always been the worst part of any school in my mind. The first lab experiment the teacher assigned us to ‘go find a partner,’ I proceeded to sit there staring at my hands.

  “That was when Corey walked up to me and asked if he could be my partner. I agreed but I was convinced he wanted someone to do the work for him that none of the bimbos following him around were qualified. He surprised me by helping through the entire project and was undeniably friendly. Even after the project was over, he continued to wave to me in the hall and say ‘hello’ to me.”

  The story fit with the sweeter side I witnessed that morning. Then I remembered that if it wasn’t for Bailey, I wouldn’t have met him at all. “Is that why you sent me to his bar—because you knew he was a good guy?”

  “I sent you to his bar because I assumed when he checked your ID he would realize who your grandmother was. Since he respects her, I hoped he would at least make sure you didn’t get yourself killed. I didn’t exactly think he would begin this thing with you and I don’t want you to get the idea that this is anything more than what it is right now. That’s just not his way.” Bailey’s concern for me was truly touching. Since we hadn’t known each other long, I figured her interest stemmed from her loyalty to my family.

  “I appreciate your concern, Bailey, but it’s unnecessary. It’s actually better that Corey’s reputation is what it is, because I am not looking for permanent.” Of course, I was inwardly torn about that. I had to be strong and deny I wanted anything deeper. No—I couldn’t allow that.

  Bailey sighed and muttered, “That’s what they all say.” The words were said in merely a whisper, but I still caught every one.

  “I’m being serious, Bailey! We talked about it this morning and I, for the first time in my life, am completely satisfied with exactly the kind of relationship I have embarked on.” Satisfied was putting it lightly; that man gave me far beyond pleasure—that’s for sure.

  “Well, that’s all that matters then.” There was doubt in her voice but she pasted a reassuring smile onto her face.

  If Bailey had the slightest idea of what I have been through in my life—she would have believed me without a doubt. I was more confident with my decisions made concerning Corey. After the way Bailey portrayed him, I felt more comfortable with my choice in keeping him just as my friend. Corey was a great guy—I knew that—but even if my own feelings betrayed me; I could count on him to want nothing more. That was the kind of person I needed in my life. Not that I needed to, but I was determined to prove to Bailey and to myself, that I knew what I was doing.

  * * * *

  The week went by slowly but without trouble. Every day I found myself more and more pleased with the staff my grandmother had established here. A few times during the week Corey wanted to get together to—well—get together. When I told him I was just too busy he didn’t seem irritated or bugged by my rejection. I vaguely caught myself wondering if that was because he had someone else that was willing to get the job done. However, I absolutely refused to let myself have any sort of emotions about the situation—well, admit to them at least. If Corey chose to call up one of the other women in his little black book, that was none of my business.

  During our texts back and forth though, we were able to decide on a time I would go to his bar for Sanders’ test run on Friday. My hopes were high for the kid, mainly because I didn’t want to be the one to tell Corey he wasn’t allowed to work weddings, without proper training. Sanders was obviously very important to Corey, definitely more than just another employee. If that test didn’t go well, something told me all could be over for Corey’s and mine extremely enjoyable playtime.

  I knew of course, there were many other men out there. I would be able to find another one that could fulfill my needs. Except Corey was very good at what he did and there hadn’t been one guy since well—ever—who knew how to make my body respond the way he did. To lose that now would really suck. There were no words to describe the loss that would be. Not only physically, but emotionally too. Since I didn’t have Gabby around, I already found myself latching onto Corey as the companion I was missing. From the start I was comfortable with him, I didn’t need to pretend to be someone I wasn’t, even if I wasn’t sure who the hell I was.

  Friday, I decided to work until a little after one in the afternoon, before going home to get ready for Sanders’ test. Since it was still a business affair, I wanted to look presentable, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t dress to impress. So after my nice long shower and my hair twisted into big loose curls, I carefully selected an outfit—a pair of my curve-hugging jeans, black dressy tank top that scooped across the top of my chest, and black knee high leather boots that curved to my legs. After throwing on a couple accessories, I called a cab and gave him the address to The Underground. My beautiful car gave me a sad look from the driveway when I hopped into the cab but something told me I shouldn’t be out driving after this ‘meeting.’

  There were a few people scattered around the restaurant, but nothing like the crowd last time I was there. The bartender stacked with muscles the size of Buicks, wiped down the counter. The guy was older than Corey, but couldn’t have been more than 40; he didn’t look bad and he knew it—which was quite honestly one of the biggest turn-offs in my mind. When we made eye contact he immediately flashed his most charming smile. Whether it was because he was hoping for a good tip or liked what he saw, was still to be determined. Either way, I returned the grin and approached the bar.

  “What can I get you, gorgeous?” His eyes slid from mine, straight down to my cleavage.

  “I’m actually here to meet with Corey.” My tone didn’t hide my irritation, as I was being ogled like a piece of meat.

  “It’ll be one second, honey. Can I get you anything while you wait?” “Water will be fine.” When he turned away from me to get my drink, I swear I heard him cuss under his breath. This guy seemed used to females coming in asking for Corey—damn. He placed the water down in front of me and went back to what he was doing. It was clear that I was now “off limits” and this guy wasn’t about to waste one more minute of his time on me.

  It wasn’t long before Corey came out of the back room. His face instantly brightened as I came into view; the smile on my face stretched from ear-to-ear without a chance to stop it. It was only a couple days since the last time we saw each other but for some inexplicable reason it felt much longer. I watched as he ignored something the beefcake bartender said, as he rounded the bar to close the distance between us. Corey’s a
rms reached out and enveloped me, my body instantly melted into his and for that too-short moment, I felt safe.

  “You look great, Dani.” Corey’s eyes slid down my figure before meeting my eyes again; I immediately felt a twinge of desire awakening. I couldn’t help but smile, more so because I realized beefcake did the same thing moments before, but it had the opposite effect on me.

  Oh right—Corey said something! “Thanks. It was nothing.”

  “Sanders will be out in a second. I figured the three of us could sit at the far end of the bar since it’s a little more secluded.”

  “Yeah that sounds fine to me.” Corey motioned with his head the direction he wanted me to walk to the other end of the L-shaped bar. His hand firmly rested on the small of my back as he guided me towards the end two bar stools.

  My knees rested in between his legs and our faces were just inches apart, as we sat as close together as was possible—without me sitting on his lap. Being in this proximity to Corey created a fire deep in me. As he began talking he rested his hand on my knee, reminding me just how long it’d been since I last saw him. It wasn’t as if I was one of those women that needed sex a dozen times a day. In fact, with Vince we went a week before he would eventually pounce on me because I just didn’t need that type of exercise. With Corey though—cripes— you’d think I was an addict the way my body was seconds away from straddling him and killing the fire raging inside.

  “So you’ve been busy this week at work?” The question seemed innocent enough but the twinkle in his eyes told me the reason behind it. He had missed our escapades just as much as I had.

  “Oh yeah, and I’m assuming it’s only going to get busier.” Corey picked up my water and took a drink. Something about watching his lips touch the rim where mine have been was downright sexy. Okay, it was probably just him— but why? In past relationships—aside from Ollie—I’d never been as drawn to someone as I was to Corey. Was this really only a physical attraction?